weihnachtlicher Orange Ingwer Glühwein

Christmas mulled wine with ginger juice


This mulled wine with fresh ginger juice is the perfect companion for an evening in a social gathering or to sit relaxed in front of the fireplace.

Ben's ginger juice is guaranteed to make this delicious, fancy drink.

Ingredients (for 4 cups):

  • 500 ml white wine
  • 300 ml orange juice (freshly squeezed)
  • a piece of organic orange peel
  • one cinnamon stick
  • one anise star
  • 70 ml organic ginger juice from Ben's Ginger Shop 
  • 50 ml orange liqueur
  • 3 to 4 teaspoons rock candy

How to make:

Put all the ingredients one by one in a saucepan and heat over medium heat, but do not let it boil. Now just divide among the cups and enjoy.


Our Tip: 

For children and drivers, simply replace white wine and orange liqueur with the same amount of orange juice.


Ingwerkonzentrat von Ben's Ginger Shop


Image Source: ©Ben’s Ginger

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